Join Us
Become a member today
We offer 3 levels of Membership that gift you the opportunity to join some of the Sunshine Coast’s top female property entrepreneurs.
Women who are:
- Committed to creating their own independent wealth using property as their means
- Eager to stretch themselves outside of their comfort zones to learn more
- Understand the importance of learning from those that have already succeeded
- Interested in intelligent and savvy problem-solving think tanks
- Looking for opportunities to advance their own portfolios
- Willing to ask for and receive support
- Acknowledge that no one reaches the heights of success without a strong network
The 3 different levels of membership - Elevate, Accelerate and Levitate are designed to help you find your niche for where you are now as an individual; and set a vision for where you want to go.
Elevate Membership:
Created for the Women who are starting out or still feeling their way. This membership gives you the opportunity to start mixing with like-minded women who are keen to learn more about property by attending our education and networking events; but may not be quite ready to do a development on their own. This is a great place to start. You will gain so much knowledge and more importantly start learning that “you don’t know what you don’t know”. A great place to ask lots of questions in a safe and friendly environment.
Accelerate Membership:
Now you’re ready! You want to go to the next level and either do a property development or advance your property portfolio in a significant way. This is where the rubber meets the road and to make sure that you do it in a way that assists you to mitigate risk and optimise potential, we support you through the journey by providing you with an experienced and skilled coach. Nothing beats the ability to leverage the experience of a system and solid coaching from someone who has walked this path before you.
Levitate Membership:
This is where the magic happens. You are ready to fly with some of the eagles of property. You have the opportunity to become the Chief Financial Officer of your future.
Can you imagine being able to ask questions like – “How did you do it?” in a face-to-face conversation with some of the most influential and successful women in property on the Sunshine Coast – if not Australia. This is the level we aspire to bring all women to so that they can become successfully independently wealthy, using property as their vehicle. (Capped at 20 members)
Facebook Members Only Group
Learn and grow your networks
Immerse yourself in our Monthly Education Events
'News in Brief' newsletter
A library of expertise
Take in fun, culture, dinner and adventure
Introduction to quality service providers
One on one strategy session
Facilitate 'Brain Storming' sessions
Goal Check-ins
Financial independence
Coaching by an experienced Property Coach
'Wheel of Life' session
Breaking through barriers
Multi Millionaire Women guest speakers
'Inner Circle' sessions with the 'Women of Wealth'
Elevate $79/Month |
Accelerate $245/Month |
Levitate $495/Month Capped at 20 Members |
Private Facebook Group |
Introduction Phone Call - We want to know you a little more and see how we can help you grow your property porfolio. |
Attendance to Monthly Meetup Events - Property Immersion Learning & Case Studies |
Monthly Newsletter - Highlights of the month so you don't miss a thing!! |
Access to Resource Hub - Online access to past event recordings & interviews |
Invitation to 'Fun Friends' Social Events held Bi-Monthly |
Access to Property Experts - We open up the Rollerdex to our professional industry experts |
Personal Property Strategy Session - Creating a customised plan specifically for you. |
Ask the Experts 'Brian Storming' sessions in real time online - Quarterly |
Accountability Session - Monthly Goal Check-ins |
1 x Financial Strategy per year |
One on One Coaching - 10 x 45 mins session |
Life Design Planning Workshop - Series of 5 |
1 x Obstacle Breakthrough Session |
Invitation to attend the WOW 'Women of Wealth' Life and Wealth Retreat * |
Mentoring - Exclusive to Levitate Members; to take part with some of the incredible 'Women of Wealth' for bi-monthly Inner Circle secrets. |
* Payment is required. Discount available for Levitate members.
10% Discount applies when you purchase an annual membership.
– Prices Include GST-