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We offer Coaching as Our Powerful Initiative to Help You Accelerate Your Property Portfolio
We hear your struggles, frustrations and angst that, as women, YOUR CHALLENGES are:
- Lack of confidence
- Don’t know where to start
- Scared to make mistakes
- Don’t have the connections to expert industry consultants
- Haven’t got the steps to follow
- Don’t know how to do a back of the envelope feaso
- Don’t know how to approach a Money Partner
- I want to be the Project Manager but not confident in my abilities
- Struggle to get men to take me seriously
- How do I know if I have put the right paperwork together for the deal
- I’m not good at negotiating and would rather pay someone to do that part for me
- I see big deals that stack – but don’t know how to ‘on sell’ the opportunity for profit
- I’m really just wanting to know how to get to the next level
- I feel isolated and I am not supported by ‘Like Minded Women’
In response to all of the points listed above we want you to know that WOW exist to SUPPORT YOU!
Personalised - One on One Coaching with
Mary Palaric
Let me introduce you to our Coach, Mary Palaric who is an experienced female property developer from within the WOW Property Women community. Mary is here to help YOU to become the property developer you want to be. Mary has:
- Decades of experience & completed over $8m worth of projects
- Been trained & mentored by some of the best in the industry
- Credibility of implementing the strategies & power of manufacturing equity
- Made plenty of mistakes in the early days, to know the pit falls and challenges so that they can be avoided
- Worked with many different professional consultants in order to qualify her current preferred networks of lawyers, accountants, town planners, surveyors, engineers civil & traffic, building design & drafting, etc
- Completed deals on both sides of joint ventures
- Put funding packages together numerous times
- Assisted clients apply Life Design principles and techniques throughout the personal, work and investing worlds
- And a whole lot more!
This is about learning from a credible and experienced professional –
to work SMARTER (not harder) in order to FAST TRACK YOUR PROPERTY JOURNEY!
This is a Unique Fully Integrated Life and
Wealth Coaching Program
This private coaching program will help you re-set your life and wealth goals, start a life change journey and shake up your investing to grow more equity and cashflow. This program will assist you to:
- leap into action to buy an investment property or start a property project and sharpen your property investment skills
- stay focused on your priorities for life and your investing goals
- become more confident in searching for the right property in the right area.
- become a whiz at property feasibilities so you can quickly assess if there’s a profit in a deal.
- elevate your skills in project budgets, due diligence, negotiations and value adding strategies.
- achieve better and more consistent results with an accountability partner
- obtain real time support during the phases of your project from property search, feasibility, planning, development etc so you are totally confident that you’ve made a great purchase and your project is a success.
The Coaching Program includes 10 x 45 min
private accountability coaching sessions
The coaching sessions cover some of the following elements:
- Personal Wealth Strategy Plan – determining what your wealth goals are and timeframes and setting goals
- Suburb Due Diligence – selecting the best suburbs to invest based on investment grade criteria, create a suburb shortlist.
- Property Feasibility – rough feasos and detailed feasos – determining if there’s profit in a property using the right tools
- Property Due Diligence – checklist for reviewing specific properties
- Project Budget Review – what improvements are going to give you the best profits
- Project Troubleshooting – support to resolve issues you may be having with your project
- Review of Project Plan – helping you work out the sequence and timeline for your project
Your investment is $1997 with an option to pay 10 x $200 monthly
Levitate Members:
This is inclusive in your Annual Membership